I have a lot of John Campbell pottery... and by a lot... I mean ALOT that ranges in all shapes and sizes - from workmen's pieces that are one offs to the mass-produced items that everyone likes to collect.
Over the next few months/years I will be selling some of it off. I mean, how much pottery can you hold on to? (AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE SHE YELLS!!) (LOL)
I will be keeping some of it (after all it has taken me a long time to gather my collection and I'd like to keep some pieces for posterity) BUT I need to make room in the storage container(s) for some bigger things 😭so the little ones have to leave home.
History: from the 1880s to the 1950s, John Campbell pottery has circulated the globe. Starting from humble beginnings in Launceston and ending there when the factory was closed and torn down in the 50s. Glen Campbell still made some pottery from his home during the 1950s and possibly 60's... John's relatives are still scattered around Tasmania.
If you are interested in Tasmanian pottery, I started a Facebook group a few years ago: Let’s Talk Tasmanian Pottery - The Beginning To Now | Facebook
that you can join and not only find out about JC pottery but lots of other Tasmanian potters both vintage and contemporary. See you there!
Stay tuned Hoardees