Inaugural: The Happy Hoarders Tasmania blog

Inaugural: The Happy Hoarders Tasmania blog

Welcome to our very first The Happy Hoarders Tasmanian blog!
Numero Uno, numero un (you get the drift)

Wow I am SO excited to be able to do this.

 A brief reason why:

This shop has been a long time coming, it’s personal, you will find my personality in each written listing and finally it’s come to fruition (needed to be) - online.

I’m not a hoarder in the literal sense but I do have mucho, mucho collections of things in multiple sizes, shapes, colours and materials. Many friends and family found it quite oppressive to come to the flat (yes, a granny flat), simply because of the number of items I had strewn (mind you they were tastefully deposited on shelves and floor) about… I think my friend called it compulsive collecting or hoovering (but hey in defense it isn’t rubbish, it’s all quality stuff) pottery, glass, kitsch, vintage and retro items.

For those of you who know me in person (lucky YOU) you will totally understand why this decision was made to start selling quite a few of my precious pieces off (4 storage containers full, just saying lol) and for those of you who know me online (AGAIN lucky YOU)…ditto because I do love a good online show and tell lol (I just get SO excited to spread the thrill of the find… as do quite a few of you and I’m right there with you).

For my mental health, my physical wealth (or lack thereof) and the love of those around me I’m letting most of my personally owned possessions go (cathartic breathing techniques starts NOW) and you all get to benefit from my downsizing 😊.

Future blogs - you will get information of how the downsizing is going, upcoming listings, how to research pieces and some history behind pieces that I still have and had in the past.

Stay tuned Hoardees

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