How to possibly adjust an overwhelming collection

How to possibly adjust an overwhelming collection

Yes, that's me in the photo. I don't look like a hoarder do I... but I am (Phew, it's out there and I am feeling relieved). 

We all have them don't we...lots of things we call OUR collections. Some large, some small and some somewhere in between...

You and I are of similar ilk, you are here reading my blog and we share the joy of finding, loving and saving little pops of joy that make our inners twinkle... I decided to try to conquer my inner compulsive/impulsive twinkle... to downsize the vast number of items that sadly have ended up in deep dark storage (we are running out of room there too). Those wonderful things are not seeing the light of day or being appreciated by those that look in awe and wonder through the glass cabinets that they deservedly need to be highlighted in. 

How do you feel about your collection(s)?

Do you rub your hands together at the thought of taking that desired object home to add to the others then wonder when you get there where in the hell you will actually put it as there really is no more room...
What do you do?
Move house they mumble?
Build an extension on top of the house or under it...
or pack them away in boxes only to see the light of day once in a blue moon?
Is that fair to your fancy bits?

More likely as I ended up doing, stacking the shelves, and tripping over everything that was stacked yay high that sat on the floor in my path.

Is it healthy?

Yes and no...yes because WOW I have had the money to spend on all those fabulous things and NO because it has become a compulsion and addiction to harbour for me and me alone (insert YOU in to all the me words) all those inanimate objects and "My Precious", comes to mind from Lord of the Rings... (just getting you to visualise).

How selling those "pretties" has helped me. I had to emotionally let go... have invested a whole load of money into those objects... perhaps I need to have a holiday instead... have room to see family and friends...I'm getting older, not younger (unlike Brad Pitt). Don't get me wrong, not everything is going... that is not true to my collecting nature... there will always be something else I see and drool over, I've just had to come to the realisation that when one thing come in the door... 3 things must leave. (The Plus - I haven't dislocated a little toe in a while).

Tell me about your collecting journey...
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