Art Glass, glass and vases

Art Glass, glass and vases

What is not to like about this wonderful medium, it's been around since the year dot when lightning struck a sandy beach and WIZZ BANG silicon dioxide and heat created a molten blob while volcanos spewed their version of it out for millennia.

Fast forward to the stone age thinkers who used naturally occurring volcanic obsidian for weapons... and then...according to The History of Glass website, the first production of traded glass was made in and around Mesopotamia around 3500BC (that all comes down to carbon dating to verify and which historian you talk to).

All in all glass is both considered practical, and a thing of beauty and it is that thing of beauty that we all so love to collect, me included. 

I have come across my fair share of art, vintage and antique glass in my time. Stared at stained glass windows, visited museums to gawk with wonder, spent hours on the internet, trawled op, junk and antique shops.  While some pieces have stayed with me others have been moved on. Have I found some exciting pieces, YOU BETCHA! Rare Fenton, art glass by amazing artisans, Carnival Glass, Australian Crown Crystal, Scandi, Italian, Japanese, German... the list goes on.

I still have a reasonably large collection of various bits and pieces that I will be downsizing and putting on the website but before it goes out to you for your consideration. I love a mystery and being an old academic and spasmodic collector, I have always enjoyed the history behind pieces. I will always do my due diligence with research to give you as much information as possible about your new item. 

Do you have any pieces that you love so much that you would like to share with us? I look forward to hearing from you and seeing your favorite piece/pieces.

Stay tuned Hoardees

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